I don't know what is worse about this Facebook post. The fact that it isn't Obama who is, "banning ammo", let alone by executive order, but the ATF who has reclassified a bullet (the 5.56-mm, Ball, M855) to armor piercing bullet, or this picture above. I mean, I got kicked off her Facebook page because I had a differing opinion. If this guy can post that, does that mean Dana agrees with the picture?
By the way, the ban does not include the Ball M193 A.K,A, Remington 223. It may not be as desirable a bullet as the Ball M855, but it doesn't have a, "lead alloy core bullet with a steel penetrator" the M855 does, so it's pretty safe it will be around for a while.
Nope, nothing to see here. I guess only progressives get banned.
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