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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Not the sharpest crayon...

I had an errand to run for lunch Wednesday, and I wound up listening to Dana. My ears perked up when she mentioned Samantha Bee.  I love me some Samantha Bee.  When I watch her new show on TBS (Mondays at 10:30pm EST), I can't help but think of her as a Liberal Dana, only funnier, and less mean.

Dana had a few choice words for Miss Bee (wait... wiki Samantha Bee... she married Jason Jones? They have two kids? How did I miss this?) I mean Ms. Bee.  You see, Bee made a video that made fun of the NRA:

Dana doesn't like that (and by Dana doesn't like that, it probably means the NRA told Dana not to like that). Dana made about 13 minutes of the most terrible argument about this video, and you can listen to it below:

Bee's video was about how she wishes she could buy the Eddie the Eagle mascot costume from the NRA, but it is so highly regulated by the NRA, an organization that has gone to deregulate, and continues to push deregulation of guns, she can't purchase it.

Along the way, she points out all the loopholes in gun law that allow people to purchase firearms, rather easily.  And it looks like she's skirting a few laws to do so, and she says at the beginning of the video that it is all real. How did Dana attack the video? Poorly... it's almost as if she never watched the it. Here's Bee turning pages with a gun and, oh my, is she:

She's got her finger on the trigger! The Dana I know would have lost her mind over that! There is no way she watched the video. Which is why I believe Dana's argument falls flat.

There is so much to unpack from this 13 minutes I may not be able to do it justice. Dana started by saying Bee wasn't the brightest/sharpest crayon in the box.  She states Bee wasn't funny, was just a bit player on the Daily Show (Dana, they call them correspondents, and Bee was the longest running one in the history of the show). Dana thinks Bee has less of a top lip than she does and looks like Grimace from McDonalds. All of this is fine, Dana has a right to her opinion. But it's also an Ad Hominem attack, which is one of many losing arguments. One has to wonder why she relies on it so heavily. Even a first year journalism school dropout knows better... oh, that's right.

She then has to devote minutes on how bad Trevor Noah is as a replacement. The argument she makes with Noah is that she doesn't like it when foreigners come to our country and tell us about the second amendment. Guess Dana missed the fact that Bee is also a foreigner, she's from Canada. This is hard to miss, since she is white and does not have an accent.

Dana says Bee is not funny. But I can think of 10 funny things Bee has done for the Daily Show, while stuff like Dana's Jobs for JihadisProud Conservative Attending a Flashy Hollywood Awards Show, and #RACETOGETHER STARBUCKS look like a high school sketch show in comparison.

Dana finishes up stating the video makes no sense. Eddie the Eagle is a trademark, you can't buy a trademark.  Owning a gun is a natural right. It is a complete non-sequitur. Um, say what? Does Dana even know what a non sequitur is? You know:
  1. If A is true, then B is true.
  2. B is true.
  3. Therefore, A is true.
Bee is saying A is non deadly but regulated by the NRA, B is deadly, but the NRA is trying to deregulate it.  How is that a non sequitur? It is a funny premise, and since this is a comedy show, it fits right in.

Dana states that Bee has never purchased a firearm. She can tell, and those who haven't purchased a firearm look like a child trying to put a circle into the square hole in a shape sorter. How ever could her staff had let her make such a stupid argument? Here is another reason I think Dana didn't watch the video, because in it, Bee is shown buying guns.

My mind is blown. I seriously don't know what to say. To bring this whole terrible argument home, there was so much else wrong in this segment. Like Greg, the producer from DC that is just now allowed to talk, stating that the Daily Show comes on during the day when he worked. Dana tried tearing down the argument about how it's easier to buy a gun than Sudafed by going on a rant about how hard it is to buy Sudafed.

One of the reasons I stopped listening to Dana regularly is because I just got tired of the same old spiel. This segment not only illustrates that, but also how I believe Dana is spread too thin. She's still got her radio show, she's got the TV show, she does talks, and speeches, and writes books, tweets constantly, and at the end of all that, she still has a husband and two kids who I am sure get all the attention they need from her as well. And with all this on her plate, she's been making big mistakes like this. This article was too easy to write, like shooting fish in a barrel.

She still has an expanding media empire, though. And her devoted fan base can't see the error of her ways. Which says a lot about republicans in this day and age, doesn't it?

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